55+ Purple iPhone Background Wallpaper (FREE Download)

 Are you on the hunt for HD-quality purple wallpaper downloads? Here, you will find 55+ free purple iPhone background wallpaper specially curated just for you. 

The color purple is strongly associated with royalty and luxury. It conjures up the feeling of elegance and power.

But, why is purple a regal color? This is primarily because it was originally quite difficult to obtain.

The color purple originates from a dye made from the mucus glands found in tropical sea snails known as the murex. This was first produced around 1600 BCE.

The dye-makers crush the shells of a snail in other to extract the purple. Thankfully, now a simple mix of blue and red dye together makes purple. 

Purple is a highly versatile color that can create a flamboyant or minimalist aesthetic depending on the tone used.

Transform and add an air of sophistication to your phone wallpaper with these beautiful purple iPhone backgrounds. 

Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired wallpaper or one with a feminine touch, you will find incredible ideas here. 

We’ll also share some fun facts about purple that will blow your mind! 


Page Contents

Pin Image to Save for Later! 

Unfortunately, you can only use one of these wallpapers at a time. But, the good news is that you can save others (or the entire blog post) for later by adding them to your Pinterest board.

Saving all your favorites directly to your photo album can take up valuable space. So, save it to Pinterest instead! 

jnnjk Purple iPhone Background



1. Purple Aesthetic Wallpaper

njbhjhb Purple iPhone Background

2. Purple Car 

jnknnjknk Purple iPhone Background

3. Purple Aesthetic Moodboard

bhjbhbhbhbhhbj Purple iPhone Background

4. Purple Leaves Tree

bhgvgvhvggv Purple iPhone Background

5. Purple Aesthetic Wallpaper

jhjbhbhbh Purple iPhone Background

6. Purple Fields

hbbhjbhj Purple iPhone Background

7. Lake at Night

hbhjbhjbhj Purple iPhone Background

8. Morning Quote

jnjkknjnjk Purple iPhone Background

9. Believe in Magic

bhbjbjhjbh Purple iPhone Background

 10. Beach at Sunset

jbhjhbhjb Purple iPhone Background

11. Life Quote

bhjbhbhj Purple iPhone Background

 12. City View at Night

bjhhbbh Purple iPhone Background

13. Purple Chinese Wisteria

bhhbhhb Purple iPhone Background

14. Purple Roses

bhjhbhbh Purple iPhone Background

15. Soft Purple Aesthetics Wallpaper

bbhjbjhb Purple iPhone Background

16. Purple Sky

bjjbjbhjbhj Purple iPhone Background

17. Sunset Beach Background

bhjhbjbhjh Purple iPhone Background

18. City Buildings

bhbhbjhbh Purple iPhone Background

19. Be Extraordinary Quote

njknjnnjnjk Purple iPhone Background

20. Girl on a Swing

bhbhbhbhj Purple iPhone Background

21. Fireworks

jnjjknjk Purple iPhone Background

22. Radio City Music Hall

njnjknjk Purple iPhone Background

23. On Air

jnnjnjknjk Purple iPhone Background

24. Purple Doughnut

bhbhbhjbhj Purple iPhone Background

25. Waves Purple iPhone Background

jnnjjk Purple iPhone Background

26. Purple and Gold Liquid Marble 

vbhhbbhhb Purple iPhone Background

27. Calming Purple Aesthetics

hbbbbhjbhjbhj Purple iPhone Background

28. Purple Bicycle Aesthetics

njnjbhbh e1701268845351 Purple iPhone Background 

29. Female Silhouette Wallpaper

hhbjbjh Purple iPhone Background

30. Follow Your Heart

jnjbbhhbh Purple iPhone Background

31. You’re Doing Great! 

hbbhjhbjhbbhjhbj Purple iPhone Background

32. Minimalist Purple iPhone Background

jn Purple iPhone Background

33. Just Keep Moving Forward

jnjnjnjk Purple iPhone Background

34. Ready Money Drinking Fountain

jnkknjnnkjknj Purple iPhone Background

35. Music iPhone Wallpaper

jhbjhbbhj Purple iPhone Background

36. Purple Chives Field

jhbhbhj Purple iPhone Background

37. Purple iPhone Background

hjbjhbjhb Purple iPhone Background

38. Soothing Aesthetic Wallpaper

jbjnnkj Purple iPhone Background

39. No Bad Days

jbbjjbjhhb Purple iPhone Background

bbbhbh Purple iPhone Background

41. Purple Potato Pie

njjnnjjn Purple iPhone Background

42. You’re Free to be Different

bnkjnj Purple iPhone Background

43. English Lavender in a Basket

nnjnjjnjn Purple iPhone Background

44. Purple iPhone Background

bhbhjjbhbh Purple iPhone Background

45. Purple Front Door Aesthetics

njnjnjkknj Purple iPhone Background

46. Purple Marble Background

b bjbhjh Purple iPhone Background

47. Purple Neon Light Aesthetic

jnnjnjnj Purple iPhone Background

32 1 Purple iPhone Background

49. Vintage Car

jhjbhjb Purple iPhone Background

50. Purple Spring Wallpaper

njkjnn Purple iPhone Background

51. Sunset Lake Background

jnjjnj Purple iPhone Background

52. Purple iPhone Wallpaper 

jjhbhbj Purple iPhone Background

53. Autumn Crocus

bbjjbh Purple iPhone Background

54. Wednesday Wisdom

jbnjnjn Purple iPhone Background

55. Male in Purple Jacket 

hbjbhbubhhb Purple iPhone Background

56. Sunset on Lavender Field

hbhbbhbhjbh Purple iPhone Background

jjbjbhhb Purple iPhone Background

58. Marble iPhone Wallpaper

57 1 Purple iPhone Background

59. Magical Purple Sky

njhbh Purple iPhone Background




10 Fun Facts About Purple

Here are some mind-blowing facts we bet you didn’t know about purple: 


1. Did you know that carrots used to be purple? They also used to be white, yellow, and red. But now they are mostly orange. 

2. Purple gromwell, a plant indigenous to eastern Asia, was used to make purple dye in China.

3. Purple Day, which is observed on March 26th, is a day when individuals wear purple to raise awareness of epilepsy.   

4. In the garden, purple looks astonishing when paired with yellow. 

5. The word purple originates from the Latin purpura, which is the name of the murex.

6. Gold, copper, and yellow are the best colors to pair with dark purple. 

7.  Purple is a non-spectral color. It is not one of the colors on the visible spectrum and does not have its wavelength of light.

8. Before his crucifixion, the Roman garrison mocked Jesus Christ’s claim to be the “King of the Jews” by dressing him in purple.

9. The color violet is often mistaken for purple. 

10.  The King James Bible has 48 mentions of the word purple. 


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