8 Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Monstera Plant
The Monstera plant, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, has become increasingly popular in the home and office decor recently. It is one of the most beautiful indoor plants out there on the market. They come in different colors, sizes, and shapes.
However, before you hop on to buy this plant for your home or office décor, make sure to clarify the answer to some questions. The followings are 8 important questions you should ask yourself before buying a monstera plant for your home or office.
1.   Do You Have Time to Take Care of it?
One of the most important things to consider before purchasing a new monstera plant is whether you have time to take care of it. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant, monstera is a good option.
Monstera plants need both natural and artificial light in order to thrive. So, make sure you know what kind of lighting will be available and where you plan on putting them before investing in a particular type.
These plants won’t drop their leaves if you miss a few watering sessions. If you are a beginner looking for a low-maintenance plant, the monstera plant can be your best option.
2.   How Much Do They Cost?
Monsteras are a beautiful addition to any space, but they are quite expensive. The costs of Monstera plants can vary greatly, depending on the size, shape, color, and number of vines. Speaking metaphorically, the monstera plants can sometimes cost more than a car.  If you don’t have enough budget for this, then maybe you should consider going with something smaller and cheaper.
Due to its rarity, it has become popular in various parts of the world. Many social media influencers in the plant and flowering community have termed these as their favorite indoor plants. The most expensive Monstera variegated Monstera Adansonii was sold for a whopping $38,000. Although smaller monstera varieties might start off as low as $10 and lead up to $5000.
The takeaway is that these plants are quite expensive. So, make sure to check the prices before you make up your mind to buy one of them.
3.   Is Your Place Warm Enough?
The Monstera is an excellent plant for a warmer climate. If your place is not warm enough, you might want to consider other plants that are sturdy and can take the cold.
Also, ensure you have natural light at your home or office. Without natural light, this beautiful plant will not grow as well or produce its gorgeous flowers.
If you have any pets, ensure to keep them away from this plant. The leaves of the Monstera are poisonous to animals and humans, so keep them out of reach if possible.
4.   Where Should You Put Monster Plants?
Monsteras are a type of tropical plant that is beautiful to look at and can provide some shade in the hot summer months. However, they need plenty of light, even through the winter months, and will wither if not given enough sun.
Putting a monstera next to a window or on an outside porch will do the trick. If you live in an area with cold winters, you may want to put your plant inside near a sunny window for the winter. Once spring arrives, it’s time to move it back outside, where it should get lots of sunshine all day.
5.   What Soil Mix Should I Use?
The best soil mix for the monstera plant is one that has good drainage and doesn’t stay wet for long periods of time, as this could lead to root rotting. You might try mixing sand or gravel with potting soil to improve drainage before adding organic matter like leaves or moss.
Use a container that’s large enough to hold the roots without them touching the sides, bottom, or top. This promotes good air circulation and keeps roots from getting too moist.
When you water your plant, give it just enough water so that it drains out of the bottom, and don’t leave any standing water sitting around.
6.   Are Monsteras Fast Growing?
If you’re looking for a fast-growing plant, the monstera may not be your best option. The monstera is slow to establish and only grows up to one to two feet per year.
This makes it a poor choice for gardeners who want plants that they can quickly put in the ground, watch grow, and then enjoy their fruit. It’s might not be for you if you have space limitations or if you live in an apartment without access to direct sunlight.
Keep this in mind when deciding what kind of tree or shrub to add to your property.
7.   How to Propagate Monstera Plants?
Monsteras are a great houseplant for beginners because they don’t require as much maintenance. However, many people fail to propagate their plants and end up with a single plant. If you want to have more than one plant, it’s important that you learn how to propagate them.
- The first thing you’ll need is a cutting from the original plant. Cut off at least four inches of the stalk at an angle just below where it starts branching out.
- Let it dry out in the sun before potting it up. Fill a small container with soil and place your cutting in the center so that at least two sets of leaves can be seen above ground level.
- Cover the cut end of your plant with soil and water until it moistens. Mist once or twice daily and put your container in indirect light without direct sunlight coming into contact with the leaves.
8.   Where to Buy Monstera Plant?
Monstera plants are not common like other plants in the market. If you want to buy a monstera plant, the best source is to get it from an online retailer. The plant can also be found at specialized hardware stores, home and garden centers, and nurseries.
Alternatively, if you live in a region of the U.S like Mexico or Panama, you may find this plant at your local nursery or garden center.
Make sure you know what type of environment will work best for your new purchase. For example, some types of Monstera plants need more water than others, so make sure that you’re getting the right type.
These above-mentioned tips will help you choose the right type of monstera plant according to your needs and the environment you are living in. These are one of the most expensive plants out there. So, make sure to ask yourself these questions before you invest.